Practitioner Services
As part of our collaborative care clinic, you will enjoy access to our full team of dedicated, best-in-class practitioner specialists that are all focused on you and your health. We offer you:

Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist Services
Dietitians assist in promoting good health through proper diet and eating. They also advise in the preparation of food, develop modified diets, and educate individuals on good nutritional habits. Our dietitian assesses nutritional needs, diet restrictions and current health plans to develop and implement dietary-care plans and provide ongoing nutritional counseling to improve your quality of life.

Registered Kinesiologist Services
Kinesiology is the science of human movement; it focuses on how the body functions and moves. Our Kinesiologist (exercise specialist) assesses human movement, performance, and function by applying the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology and motor learning. Our Kinesiologist is involved in the rehabilitation, prevention, and management of disorders to maintain, rehabilitate, or enhance movement, function or performance in the areas of sport, recreation, work, and exercise.

Registered Psychologist Services
As emotional well-being has been correlated to a patient’s overall physical health, our psychologist offers our clients ongoing mental health services from full assessments and treatment plans to simple ongoing sessions to address family issues, work challenges, life stressors, and more.

Registered Massage Therapist Services
Massage therapy is the scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body for the purpose of normalizing those tissues and consists of manual techniques that include applying fixed or movable pressure, holding, and/or causing movement of or to the body. Generally, massage is known to affect the circulation of blood and the flow of blood and lymph, reduce muscular tension or flaccidity, affect the nervous system through stimulation and enhance tissue healing.

Physiotherapy Services
Physiotherapists work with patients to develop customized programs designed to restore as much as possible their functional ability and movement. They are trained to help patients at all stages of life whose function and movement have been impacted by (some examples are) : Disease, Injury, Environmental factors, Aging (to name a few)
Physiotherapists achieve this by using a variety of methods including (but not limited to)
- Use muscle stimulation devices
- Manipulate joints
- Teach certain lifestyle activities like walking, posture, etc.
They take a holistic (whole-body) approach, addressing not only the physical aspects of your well-being, but also your emotional, psychological, and social well-being. They work at all stages of healthcare, including prevention, education, intervention, rehabilitation, and treatment.

Chiropractic Services
Chiropractors are recognized as experts in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions relating to the nerves, muscles, and joints of the entire body. By ensuring proper mechanics of the spine and peripheral joints, a chiropractor can influence a number of body functions from balancing and restoring normal muscle tone through soft tissue techniques, to enhancing balance and proprioception, as well as minimizing compensatory joint stress and pathology. Dr. Horsky uses evidence-based techniques to provide appropriate assessment and diagnosis, as well as a wide range of chiropractic treatment options including spinal joint manipulation, extremity joint manipulation, Active Release Technique, Instrument-assisted Soft tissue Mobilization, Dynamic Neuromuscular Mobilization, KT Taping and Exercise Rehabilitation.

Pharmacist Services
Our pharmacist is here to help you manage your medications and to offer you medication consultations when you need them. He can help see if and where you may be susceptible to medication conflicts and offer you alternatives and options in collaboration with your physician. He also offers free home delivery for those that may have mobility issues.
PLUS many more allied partner specialist services that are available to you … when you need them.